one world – one ground
Rann of Kutch

Mirrored luck
The handicraft and craftsmanship of the Gujarati

Colourful fabrics, artistic embroidery and elaborate weaving techniques – the design of fabrics and handicrafts has a tradition in India that is just as long and complex as the famous carving and marquetry.

Bent over very low, the old lady sits over her handiwork. With skilful fingers she sews small mirrors onto a colourful cotton fabric. In the end, a large bedspread will be made on it, which the tourists can later buy at one of the handicraft stalls in the Tent City of the Rann of Kutch.

United under the desert moon
Beauty in the barrenness. Once a year the Rann of Kutch, an inhospitable marshland desert in the west of India, comes to life for a few months and becomes a magnet for people from all over the world.
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The cradle of the Indus
Rustic, beautiful and charming, Dholavira is an ancient settlement where the fascinating and historical ruins of the civilisation of the Indus Valley are located.
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Inspiration Rann of Kutch
One Ground for your home
The sunset over the Indian Rann of Kutch salt desert and the folkloric craftsmanship of the Gujarati people form the template for the vinyl flooring in flattering shades of violet with restrained ornamentation.
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