Eiken Savanna
Countryside Trendtime 8 landhuisvloer Authentico Natuurgeolied plus
€ 127,99 / m²
kartons 200 beschikbaar Hoeveelheid(3,663 m2 / pakketten )
Dit is een verplicht veld.
pakketten a € 468,83 pakketprijs In de berekening is 5% aan resten meegenomen
Totaal gewicht. 29,30 kgTotaal (including VAT)
Voer je e-mailadres in en ontvang een e-mail wanneer je gewenste product weer beschikbaar is.
Dimensie | 2.200 * 185 * 13 mm |
Plankformaat | Landhuisvloer |
Sortering | Rustikal |
Voegbeeld | 4-zijdige V-voeg |
Oppervlakteafwerking | Natuurgeolied plus |
Slijtlaag | 3,6 mm |
Aanbevolen plint : Eiken E001Klik om te bekijken
Parador Parketvloer Eiken Savanna landhuisvloer uit de Trendtime 8 productlijn is een elegante parketvloer met een massief eiken toplaag die designdromen waarmaakt. Het oppervlak heeft een natuurlijke geoliede plus afwerking. Als plank in het formaat 2200 x 185 x 13 mm past het parket harmonieus in woonruimtes en creëert het een natuurlijke sfeer. De Rusitkal-sortering heeft een levendig spectrum tussen een harmonieuze, natuurlijke en rustieke uitstraling. De subtiele kenmerken van een gedeeltelijk gezaagde structuur in combinatie met in elkaar grijpende geschaafde golven kenmerken deze buitengewone vloer en suggereren dat de afzonderlijke planken met de hand zijn gemaakt. Een diepe borsteling over het hele oppervlak benadrukt bovendien de houtkenmerken en de gegroeide eikenstructuur. De vellingkant rondom benadrukt elke plank afzonderlijk en versterkt visueel het ruimtelijk effect. Het resultaat is een harmonieus uiterlijk van het oppervlak. Een automatisch kliksysteem met langs- en kopse kanten vergrendeling zorgt ervoor dat Parador parket uit de Trendtime 8 productlijn bijzonder gemakkelijk te plaatsen is. De toplaag is ca. 3,6 mm dik. Parketvloeren van Parador zijn geschikt voor plaatsing op vloerverwarming. De door Parador toegekende garantieperiode bedraagt 25 jaar. Bij de productie van Parador parketvloeren wordt overwegend hout uit duurzaam beheerde bronnen gebruikt. Parador parketvloeren zijn Made in Austria en hebben meerdere certificeringen.
Onze vloeren kenmerken zich door vele individuele productvoordelen die u houvast bieden bij de keuze van uw favoriete product.

Commerciële garantie 10 jaar

25 jaar garantie



Gezond om op te wonen

Stil en warm aan de voeten

Vloerverwarming /-koeling

Geschikt voor alledaags gebruik en onderhoudsvriendelijk

Geschikt voor licht oneffen ondergronden

Oppervlakken die met de hand gemaakt lijken te zijn

Duurzaam en maatvast
De juiste installatie
Hier vind je alle tips en tricks waarmee je je vloer eenvoudig kunt leggen.
Lees meer Categorie | Parket |
Serie | Trendtime 8 |
Dimensie | 2.200 * 185 * 13 mm |
Plankformaat | Landhuisvloer |
Oppervlakteafwerking | Natuurgeolied plus |
Voegbeeld | 4-zijdige V-voeg |
Sortering | Rustikal |
Producteigenschappen | Automatic-Click-Systeem, Duurzaam en maatvast, Maatvast, Vloerverwarming /-koeling, Geschikt voor licht oneffen ondergronden, Stil en warm aan de voeten, Geschikt voor alledaags gebruik en onderhoudsvriendelijk, Gezond om op te wonen, 25 jaar garantie, Commerciële garantie 10 jaar, Oppervlakken die met de hand gemaakt lijken te zijn |
Slijtlaag | 3,6 mm |
Click mechanisme | Allround-Click®-System |
Type hout & decor | Eiken |
Kleur | bruin |
Oppervlaktestructuur | Authentico |
Graad van hardheid | hard |
m² per Carton | 3.663 |
Categorie Decor | Hout |
Beschikbaarheid | Beschikbaar |



TÜV Rheinland

Blauer Engel


Émissions dans l’air interieur (Klasse A+)
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- , For care and refreshment of heavily used floors, Application on oiled floors, sufficient for approx. 50 m²€ 59,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar
- , For the care of heavily used surfaces, Application on oiled and waxed parquet flooring, For additional moisture protection€ 59,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar
- , For repairing scratches and other damage, Application on lacquered wood surfaces, laminate and design flooring, For a consistent and clean result€ 104,99beschikbaar
- , For the weekly floor cleaning, Application on lacquered parquet as well as waterproof surfaces, For gentle and effective cleaning€ 11,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar
- , For the application of glue, With handy wooden handle, For a good adhesive structure due to the serrated edge surface€ 7,49beschikbaar
- , Fast-setting white glue, Application for laminate and parquet, For increased water resistance€ 10,49beschikbaar
- , Extremely strong power glue, For mounting skirting boards, For very good adhesion to many substrates€ 24,99beschikbaar
- SL 5, 2.200 * 16 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 6,59 / lfmbinnenkort verkrijgbaar
- SL 21, 2.200 * 25 * 100 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 9,09 / lfmbeschikbaar
- HL 1, 2.200 * 19 * 65 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 6,36 / lfmbeschikbaar
- HL 2, 2.200 * 19 * 85 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,72 / lfmbeschikbaar
- HL 3, 2.200 * 19 * 105 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 8,86 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 3, 2.200 * 16 * 40 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 5,68 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 3, 2.200 * 16 * 40 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 5,68 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 3, 2.200 * 16 * 40 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 5,68 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 5 WF, 2.200 * 16 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 9,09 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 18, 2.200 * 16,5 * 70 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,27 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 18, 2.200 * 16,5 * 70 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,27 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 18, 2.200 * 16,5 * 70 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,27 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 2, 2.200 * 19,5 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 8,40 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 2, 2.200 * 19,5 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 8,40 / lfmbeschikbaar
- Kwartrond, 2.200 * 20 * 14 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 3,40 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 4, 2.200 * 19,5 * 60 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,95 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 4, 2.200 * 19,5 * 60 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,95 / lfmbeschikbaar
- Kwartrond, 2.200 * 20 * 14 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 3,40 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 5, 2.200 * 16 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 6,59 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 21, 2.200 * 25 * 100 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 9,09 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 3, 2.200 * 16 * 40 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 5,68 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 5 WF, 2.200 * 16 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 9,09 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 18, 2.200 * 16,5 * 70 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 16,13 / lfmbeschikbaar
- 25.000 * 1.000 * 1,6 mm, Good room and impact sound insulation, Compression resistant , expanded Poyster foam, Protection from rising damp€ 3,80 / m²beschikbaar
- 8.500 * 1.000 * 1,8 mm, Very good room and impact sound insulation, Permanently elastic laying carpet pad consisting of mineral fillers and polyurethane bonding agents, free of plasticizers, Specially developed for use under floating design, laminate and parquet floors.€ 8,35 / m²beschikbaar
- 8.500 * 1.000 * 1,8 mm, Excellent room and impact sound insulation, Permanently elastic laying carpet pad consisting of mineral fillers and polyurethane bonding agents, free of plasticizers, Protection from rising damp€ 8,70 / m²beschikbaar
- 6.000 * 1.000 * 2,6 mm, Enormous room and impact sound insulation, Permanently elastic laying carpet pad consisting of mineral fillers and polyurethane bonding agents, free of plasticizers, Protection from rising damp€ 13,50 / m²beschikbaar
- , Very good moisture protection, Installation on mineral substrates, Tear-resistant film with a thickness of 0,2mm€ 3,10 / m²beschikbaar
- , Very good moisture protection, Installation on mineral substrates, Tear-resistant film with a thickness of 0,2mm€ 2,47 / m²beschikbaar
- , For sealing gaps between the laying pads, For improved moisture protection, Application with all laying underlays€ 8,99beschikbaar
- , Matched to skirtings SL 4, SL 5, SL 5 WF and SL 18, For a particularly simple and stable assembly, Sufficient for a distance of about 10 linear meters€ 19,49*beschikbaar
- , Matched to skirting SL 3, For a particularly simple and stable assembly, Sufficient for a distance of about 10 linear meters€ 16,99beschikbaar
- , Matched to skirtings SL 2 and HL 1/2/3, For a particularly simple and stable assembly, Sufficient for a distance of about 10 linear meters€ 19,49beschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 37,88 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 37,88 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- , A useful tool when laying laminate, resilient flooring, Modular One and parquet flooring, With comfortable felt padding, very stable and effective in use€ 36,99beschikbaar
- , A useful tool when laying parquet flooring, With comfortable felt padding, Specially developed for click parquet€ 13,99beschikbaar
- , A useful tool when laying laminate, resilient flooring, Modular One and parquet flooring, With practical handle, For a very stable and user-friendly application€ 15,49beschikbaar
- , As a spacing aid when laying laminate, resilient flooring, Modular One and parquet flooring, Optimal assembly aid during laying, For good slip resistance due to the ribbed structure€ 9,99beschikbaar
- , A useful tool when laying the floor, Universal tool with many useful functions, For versatile use in one tool€ 23,49beschikbaar
- , For care and refreshment of heavily used floors, Application on oiled real wood floors, For additional surface protection, no sanding during renovation€ 67,99beschikbaar
- , For cleaning, care and maintenance, Application on white pigmented real wood floors, sufficient for approx. 50 m²€ 67,99beschikbaar
- , For fast and intensive cleaning of heavily soiled surfaces, Application on any floor covering, Für eine schnelle und intensive Reinigung€ 26,49 / 0.5 Lbeschikbaar
- , Concentrate for wet cleaning, Application on any floor covering, For a streak-free and refreshing experience€ 22,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar
- , For care of oiled and waxed surfaces, Application on oiled and waxed surfaces, For a fresh and flawless care experience€ 30,99 / 0.5 Lbeschikbaar
- , For care of oiled and waxed surfaces, Application on oiled and waxed surfaces, For a fresh and flawless care experience€ 30,99 / 0.5 Lbeschikbaar
- , For care and refreshment of heavily used floors, Application especially on white oiled real wood floor, For additional surface protection, no sanding during renovation€ 61,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar
- , For care and refreshment of heavily used floors, Application on oiled floors, sufficient for approx. 50 m²€ 59,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar
- , For the care of heavily used surfaces, Application on oiled and waxed parquet flooring, For additional moisture protection€ 59,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar
- , For repairing scratches and other damage, Application on lacquered wood surfaces, laminate and design flooring, For a consistent and clean result€ 104,99beschikbaar
- , For the weekly floor cleaning, Application on lacquered parquet as well as waterproof surfaces, For gentle and effective cleaning€ 11,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar
- , For the application of glue, With handy wooden handle, For a good adhesive structure due to the serrated edge surface€ 7,49beschikbaar
- , Fast-setting white glue, Application for laminate and parquet, For increased water resistance€ 10,49beschikbaar
- , Extremely strong power glue, For mounting skirting boards, For very good adhesion to many substrates€ 24,99beschikbaar
- SL 5, 2.200 * 16 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 6,59 / lfmbinnenkort verkrijgbaar
- SL 21, 2.200 * 25 * 100 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 9,09 / lfmbeschikbaar
- HL 1, 2.200 * 19 * 65 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 6,36 / lfmbeschikbaar
- HL 2, 2.200 * 19 * 85 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,72 / lfmbeschikbaar
- HL 3, 2.200 * 19 * 105 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 8,86 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 3, 2.200 * 16 * 40 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 5,68 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 3, 2.200 * 16 * 40 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 5,68 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 3, 2.200 * 16 * 40 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 5,68 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 5 WF, 2.200 * 16 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 9,09 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 18, 2.200 * 16,5 * 70 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,27 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 18, 2.200 * 16,5 * 70 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,27 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 18, 2.200 * 16,5 * 70 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,27 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 2, 2.200 * 19,5 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 8,40 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 2, 2.200 * 19,5 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 8,40 / lfmbeschikbaar
- Kwartrond, 2.200 * 20 * 14 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 3,40 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 4, 2.200 * 19,5 * 60 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,95 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 4, 2.200 * 19,5 * 60 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 7,95 / lfmbeschikbaar
- Kwartrond, 2.200 * 20 * 14 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 3,40 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 5, 2.200 * 16 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 6,59 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 21, 2.200 * 25 * 100 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 9,09 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 3, 2.200 * 16 * 40 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 5,68 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 5 WF, 2.200 * 16 * 50 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 9,09 / lfmbeschikbaar
- SL 18, 2.200 * 16,5 * 70 mm, Fully coated in the edge area, Torsion-free, With high quality MDF core€ 16,13 / lfmbeschikbaar
- 25.000 * 1.000 * 1,6 mm, Good room and impact sound insulation, Compression resistant , expanded Poyster foam, Protection from rising damp€ 3,80 / m²beschikbaar
- 8.500 * 1.000 * 1,8 mm, Very good room and impact sound insulation, Permanently elastic laying carpet pad consisting of mineral fillers and polyurethane bonding agents, free of plasticizers, Specially developed for use under floating design, laminate and parquet floors.€ 8,35 / m²beschikbaar
- 8.500 * 1.000 * 1,8 mm, Excellent room and impact sound insulation, Permanently elastic laying carpet pad consisting of mineral fillers and polyurethane bonding agents, free of plasticizers, Protection from rising damp€ 8,70 / m²beschikbaar
- 6.000 * 1.000 * 2,6 mm, Enormous room and impact sound insulation, Permanently elastic laying carpet pad consisting of mineral fillers and polyurethane bonding agents, free of plasticizers, Protection from rising damp€ 13,50 / m²beschikbaar
- , Very good moisture protection, Installation on mineral substrates, Tear-resistant film with a thickness of 0,2mm€ 3,10 / m²beschikbaar
- , Very good moisture protection, Installation on mineral substrates, Tear-resistant film with a thickness of 0,2mm€ 2,47 / m²beschikbaar
- , For sealing gaps between the laying pads, For improved moisture protection, Application with all laying underlays€ 8,99beschikbaar
- , Matched to skirtings SL 4, SL 5, SL 5 WF and SL 18, For a particularly simple and stable assembly, Sufficient for a distance of about 10 linear meters€ 19,49beschikbaar
- , Matched to skirting SL 3, For a particularly simple and stable assembly, Sufficient for a distance of about 10 linear meters€ 16,99beschikbaar
- , Matched to skirtings SL 2 and HL 1/2/3, For a particularly simple and stable assembly, Sufficient for a distance of about 10 linear meters€ 19,49beschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 37,88 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 37,88 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- € 30,99 / lfmbeschikbaar
- , A useful tool when laying laminate, resilient flooring, Modular One and parquet flooring, With comfortable felt padding, very stable and effective in use€ 36,99beschikbaar
- , A useful tool when laying parquet flooring, With comfortable felt padding, Specially developed for click parquet€ 13,99beschikbaar
- , A useful tool when laying laminate, resilient flooring, Modular One and parquet flooring, With practical handle, For a very stable and user-friendly application€ 15,49beschikbaar
- , As a spacing aid when laying laminate, resilient flooring, Modular One and parquet flooring, Optimal assembly aid during laying, For good slip resistance due to the ribbed structure€ 9,99beschikbaar
- , A useful tool when laying the floor, Universal tool with many useful functions, For versatile use in one tool€ 23,49beschikbaar
- , For care and refreshment of heavily used floors, Application on oiled real wood floors, For additional surface protection, no sanding during renovation€ 67,99beschikbaar
- , For cleaning, care and maintenance, Application on white pigmented real wood floors, sufficient for approx. 50 m²€ 67,99beschikbaar
- , For fast and intensive cleaning of heavily soiled surfaces, Application on any floor covering, Für eine schnelle und intensive Reinigung€ 26,49 / 0.5 Lbeschikbaar
- , Concentrate for wet cleaning, Application on any floor covering, For a streak-free and refreshing experience€ 22,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar
- , For care of oiled and waxed surfaces, Application on oiled and waxed surfaces, For a fresh and flawless care experience€ 30,99 / 0.5 Lbeschikbaar
- , For care of oiled and waxed surfaces, Application on oiled and waxed surfaces, For a fresh and flawless care experience€ 30,99 / 0.5 Lbeschikbaar
- , For care and refreshment of heavily used floors, Application especially on white oiled real wood floor, For additional surface protection, no sanding during renovation€ 61,49 / 1 Lbeschikbaar